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On 8/14/2023 I called a nice Jewish lady at about 5;30 PM who had just been operated on her shoulder.  She has difficulty walking, making food and or staying happy and now she can’t use her arm. I felt I could make her feel better if I bought some food and cooked her dinner.  Debbie […]

Should we as good People try to protect those who forget or are foolish when lose keys, phones or Money?” On 7/30/2023 I know faced a problem…a problem that I didn’t have when I watched a TV program called oddly enough GREAT EXPECTATIONS…later in the day I went to Walmart and Publix but I digress, […]

Remember the movie Greed is Good?  What do you believe?  What happen in the Crazy Movie the Wolf on Wall Street… But Why didn’t we know?  In 2013, the year The Wolf of Wall Street was released, at least $681m, money the Malaysian government said was a gift from the Saudi royal family, landed in the […]