- Nexus 5001 Forum – ISTO

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After over 20 years of maintaining a successful industry standard, the members of Nexus 5001 Forum have agreed to dissolve the organization effective 30 September 2020.

The Nexus 5001™ Forum supported the use and proliferation of the IEEE-ISTO 5001™ standard (Nexus 5001™). Spanning the semiconductor, development tools and automotive electronics industries, Nexus 5001™ Forum membership comprised industry leading silicon suppliers, tools developers, IP companies, and end users.

The Nexus Standard is an embedded processor development tool interface that helps design engineers rapidly identify software-and hardware-level problems in real time. Updated in June 2012, the Nexus 5001™ standard is the only open debugging standard in the world that addresses the emerging multi-processor debugging problems of embedded systems with a common interface.