nhahn.org - Nathan Hahn

Description: Personal page of Nathan Hahn

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I am currently a PhD student in the Carnegie Mellon Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) working under Niki Kittur . My current research focuses on the topic of Sensemaking — or how individuals come to an understanding of a difficult subject from a large set of information. This is normally in the context of online search or information seeking — such as planning a large vacation, learning about a medical disease, or investigating a new hobby. In our lab, we've built systems to help users while they'

We've been working on the concept of "casual microtasking", or giving people small tasks to work on while they're doing other activities. In this paper, we explored this with Facebook -- we inserted small writing tasks into users' Facebook news feed, and gathered some responses about their experience with it.

SearchLens is a replacement search interface for exploratory searches, where users might have multiple categories or criteria they need to fulfil. By building up "lenses", users can easily structure what they want into a query, assign weights, and then see how results matched their preferences.