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Description: You are invited to a meeting of Reformed Christians on Sunday evening in the Keene, New Hampshire area.

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October 2019 Pastors Conference - Chernyakhiv, Ukraine This year's pastors conference was a blessing from God as there were 18 men in attendance and the speakers brought out 3 very helpful subjects from God's Word.  The subjects were the doctrine of Christian Assurance, Original  and Actual Sin and Predestination.  The unique part of this pastors conference is that the speakers teach Reformed theology to the pastors and men in Ukraine and strive to provide important details from the. Confession of Faith so

More Than Conquerers, by William Hendriksen (In Belarussian language) is distributed Ken Sanders - Westmoreland, New Hampshire Georgi Viazovsky - Minsk, Belarus Chernyakhiv, Ukraine Church Building - Conference is held here November  2018 Chernyakhiv, Ukraine Pastors Conference It was a privilege to participate again in the pastors conference in Chernyakhiv Ukraine and to see the thankfulness and hunger of the pastors and men who faithfully gather year by year at this conference. 

The conference began in 2012 with 4 or 5 pastors meeting in one of the pastors apartments in Zhytomyr, Ukraine with one pastor giving a lesson from the the Reformed doctrine, followed by a time of prayer.