nhsgather.net - NHS GATHER - Reinvent the NHS. Not the wheel.

Description: NHS GATHER - Reinvent the NHS. Not the wheel.

innovation (8645) nhs (650)

Example domain paragraphs

Many NHS front line staff have done something innovative that made a difference to patient outcomes and costs - introduced a new pathway or process, trialled a new device or drug, or made another creative service improvement.

But if often stops there - in the department or organization where it was introduced. How much more impact would be gained if other organizations could see what they did, why it was a great idea, and how to replicate it for themselves?

NHS GATHER is a social media tool for NHS staff to find, discuss and copy proven service improvement ideas as online Innovation Guides - simple interactive descriptions of innovations that explain their benefit and show everything required to replicate them. You can also use an Innovation Guide to generate an interactive collaboration plan, adapt it to local needs, then use it to replicate the innovation with low cost and low risk.