- Nice Art Gallery - Bettina Griepentrog Wiesner, germany artist ,galeria de arte en Puebla,art sale,,venta de arte,exhibi

Description: Art Consulting and Gallery presents and promotes the work of: Bettina Griepentrog-Wiesner, painting, installations. NiceArt Art Consulting was founded as an artist colony, where American, Mexican, German and Japanese artists (painters, sculpturists, musicians, poets) meet and work in different art projects together. One of the very strong activities is the organization of charity exhibitions and concerts as well as art festivals.

painting (14021) gallery (8128) galerie (3905) art gallery (2255) art consulting (107) art galerie (8) art on sale (3) bettina griepentrog wiesner (2) german conteporary art (2) niceart (2)

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Bettina Griepentrog-Wiesner, German Contemporary Art

               ...create a space of  inner peace  in a world, where chaos has become normality...

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