- Nick Elton Wildlife Artist - art inspired by Nature

Description: Nick Elton is a wildlife artist based in Cornwall, UK, creating drawings, paintings, prints and illustrations inspired by direct observation of nature

illustration (16075) painting (13891) nature (7860) drawing (4794) watercolor (1934) cornwall (1902) printmaking (1032) watercolour (777) wildlife art (318) nick elton (1)

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Here you can find examples of sketches and more finished pictures, plus some information on my approach to wildlife art. I aim to update the content of this home page fairly regularly with news, latest work or other posts of art & wildlife relevance.

NOTE: If you are using a desktop browser and would like to see a larger version of the images on this Home Page, just put your cursor on the image, right click, and select "open image in new tab" — that will give you a full sized version. Images in the side bar can be zoomed just by hovering your cursor over them. (Most other pages on this site let you click directly on an image to get a bigger view with added commentary.)

I'm just back from a couple of weeks' holiday in the French Alps. Plenty of walking, some great wildlife and a little bit of sketching. Wildlife is never guaranteed, and this time it seemed the encounters were often brief or distant. And with long mountain walks to do, much of the sketching consisted of grabbed opportunities with little time to get to grips with the subject. Anyway, here is a selection of sketches and other pieces. I'm still working out some of the ideas and memories back at home, so hopefu