- Nick Kampe - Agile Software Engineer

Description: Nick Kampe is an entrepreneur, software craftsman, agile evangelist, product manager, and 3D and graphic designer.

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A multidisciplinary engineer with a unique blend of technical, creative and managerial talents. Resolution-focused, team oriented, product developer with extensive knowledge and experience with bleeding edge technology. Change agent, with hands on experience alongside multiple software teams with expertise in molding engineers. Specialized in dealing with a plethora of technologies to build reliable distributed software applications from concept to market, with a strong emphasis on open-source software. Mai

Tools utilized: Kubernetes Istio Kustomize Skaffold ArgoCD Argo Workflows Argo Rollouts Skupper Terraform Docker Envoy Nginx NATS Prometheus Thanos Tempo Loki Grafana Stackdriver Helm React Rust go nodejs JavaScript gRPC Ansible CloudSQL Python Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Microservices Postgres Keycloak Rancher GitHub Actions Vault Docker Google Storage K3OS Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) OS2 OpenTelemetry git

Tools utilized: Kubernetes Istio Kustomize Skaffold ArgoCD Argo Workflows Skupper Terraform Docker Envoy Nginx Prometheus Grafana Stackdriver Helm Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Google App Engine rust go nodejs JavaScript gRPC Ansible CloudSQL Azure DevOps Python Azure Kubernetes Service Flask Microservices Postgres Rancher GitHub Actions Vault Docker K3OS Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) kubectl K3s OpenTelemetry git React Angular Jest Mocha Chai Cypress AWS AppMesh AWS CloudMap EC2 Route 53