- Nick Savides - Contemporary New York Figurative Painter

Description: Paintings by contemporary artist Nick Savides, including Hopperesque scenes of New York, Paris, London, rural and coastal landscapes, cityscapes, portraits.

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Contemporary Artist

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  Architecture  |   Autumn   |  Badlands   | beach   | billboards and murals   |   boats   |   bridges   |   Brooklyn   |    Brooklyn Bridge   | café   |    canyons   |    cats   |  Central Park   |  Chelsea   |  churches    | city parks    |  cityscape   |   clouds |  coastal    |   commission    |  dogs   |    drawing   |    East Village    | farm    |   figurative    |  figure    |  Financial District   |  fountain   |  France    |   gardens   |  graffiti    | High Line    |  horses    |   Hudson River