Welcome! These pages document some of the various things I did over the years. From my scientific work to various projects in electronics, woodworking, coding and more. With many time-consuming hobbies and a fulfilling job, there is little time to write a few lines on all the cool things tinker with but I try my best to keep this website updated.
Professionally, I work as a Data Science Consultant at Five1 but my background is in astrophysics. My speciality is to conceptionalize and implement innovative data solutions with a variety of tools. As a consultant I focus on modern architectures, such as Data Mesh or the Data Lakehouse, and work as a full-stack Data Scientist and Data Engineer. Much of my scientific career, I spend at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg where I worked on high-resolution studies of the molecular gas in nea
I started astronomical research in 2013 with my Bachelor’s thesis on multi-scale cleaning in radio interferometric imaging and carried out several projects as a research assistant (“HiWi”). These projects included, for instance, data reduction and imaging of JVLA observations that targeted nearby galaxies in atomic hydrogen (HI). Since 2015, I was a member of the SWAG team (Survey of Water and Ammonia in the Galactic Center), for which I developed calibration and imaging pipelines as part of my Master’s the