- Niels Benedikter

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Itinerant Quantum Math Meetings: (bi-weekly seminar) new date: Mondays, 11:15 (rotating between UniMi, PoliMi, and Como)

I'm a professor of mathematical physics at the University of Milan (Statale). The focus of my work is on the mathematically rigorous derivation of effective theories for quantum many-body systems. Examples are the Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov theories of Bose-Einstein condensates, Hartree-Fock theory for fermionic many-body systems, spin wave theory for the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, and the random phase approximation describing emergent bosonic excitations in the Fermi gas. From May 2022, I hold an

There is an opening for an administrative position (secretary) to support my ERC project and the project of Prof. Montalto. Deadline for application is the 26 October 2023, 12:00 Italian time. Please contact me if you are interested and have any questions. Abbiamo aperto una posizione amministrativa (segretario/a) per supportare il mio progetto ERC e il progetto di Prof. Montalto. La scadenza per la candidatura è il 26 ottobre 2023, ore 12:00 . Per favore, contattatemi se siete interessati e avete domande.

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