- Nigel Pantling

Description: Nigel Pantling. Strategic advice for Chief Executives.

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“…working with Nigel gave me and my company a unique advantage…”

Being chief executive is a lonely business. You have heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, and face conflicting calls on your attention. Many of the issues you deal with are outside your control and some are outside your experience. Shareholders and board colleagues are watching you closely and expecting you to deliver the right answer, on time, every time, often in the unforgiving glare of the media spotlight. You can come to feel that there is nobody you can look to for advice who does not have an axe

Nigel Pantling understands all of this. For over 25 years as a corporate finance director and an independent strategy adviser he has helped company chief executives grapple with high-level strategic problems. He specializes in working one-to one with chief executives who want objective and impartial advice, offering his clients counsel built on the experience of helping many other chief executives tackle similar problems. He knows the value of calm, reflective, assistance when things get tricky, and enjoys