- Nikki Timmons : Online Portfolio : A Needle in a Haystack

Description: The Online Portfoilio of Nikki Timmons, Indiana-based web designer, developer, illustrator, and website producer.

web designer (3711) indiana (3304) indianapolis (1365) noblesville (95) nikki timmons nicole timmons nikki hajduk nicole hajduk nikki gately nicole gately

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Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, equipped with the drive to self-teach in order to reach career goals, and packing years of corporate experience to boot, I am Nikki Timmons. And I am happy to produce well rounded, modern, sales driven websites and web entities, suitable for mass consumption.

What sets me apart is my business mind paired with my naturally creative edge. What fuels every site I code or design and every ad I produce is the bottom line: maximum profits and high customer satisfaction. I often go above and beyond to deliver clients exactly what they want: creative and unique web presences that beautifully complement their core business. And I do it all with a smile.

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