Description: My personal homepage and blog
Hi there, and welcome to my personal website! My name’s Nishanth and I’m a researcher and engineer focused on AI and ML applications to robotics. I also moonlight as a writer and entrepreneur.
Presently, I’m a Ph.D. student in the LIS Group within MIT CSAIL . I’m officially advised by Leslie Kaelbling and Tomás Lozano-Pérez , though I frequently collaborate with Dylan Hadfield-Menell and many other wonderful people within CSAIL’s Embodied Intelligence Initiative . I also spend time at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute where I primarily work with Jennifer Barry . I’m extremely grateful for support from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship .
In the recent past, I graduated from Brown University with honors in Computer Engineering. As an undergrad, I was fortunate to work on exciting AI + Robotics research under Brown’s BigAI initiative advised by Professors Stefanie Tellex , George Konidaris and Michael Littman . I spent time as a Research Intern at Uber ATG and Vicarious AI , and even had the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at MERL .