njsafeandsound.org - NJ Safe & Sound — Recourse for Ruptured Relationships

mind control (119) brainwashing (52) alienation (17) parent-child relationship (3) destructive relationships (2) senator loretta weinberg (2)

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Internet predators, terrorist extremists, human traffickers, pimps, abusive partners, gangs, swindlers, and other destructive individuals and groups use psychologically damaging manipulation to isolate teenagers and adults of all ages from their relatives and friends. As explained in “ Mind-Hacking Alert: A Young Adult’s Guide to Recognizing Undue Influence and Resisting Abusive Relationships ,” 16- to 24-year-olds are particularly at risk. Predatory alienation arising from extreme undue influence devastate

Life experience and formal education do not guarantee immunity from extreme undue influence that can lead to elder abuse. The best defense for those 50 and up — and those who care about them — is to familiarize themselves with the deceptive, high-pressure tactics that underlie scams, exploitative relationships, and other methods that take advantage of individuals in their senior years, and learn to recognize the circumstances when they or their loved ones are most likely to be at risk.

NJ Safe & Sound’s “ Mind-Hacking Alert for Seniors: Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Undue Influence and Elder Abuse ,” explains:

Links to njsafeandsound.org (1)