- Lyme Healer | Wonderful Lyme Healing Technique To Remove Trauma and Restore Health | Patrick Slouck

Description: Clinical hypnotist has figured a way to turn off the fight or flight response and stop the body from surprising the immune system.

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Our autonomic nervous system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we communicate with other people and our BELIEF SYSTEMS determine the outcome regardless of the truth we will believe what we want to believe.

NLP is about the fix, traditional therapy is about the process. Normal questions a therapist would ask “Why do you feel that way” “How does it make you feel when that happens” Those are wonderful questions but the problem is those questions keep you in the problem. The reason we go to therapy is to get rid of the problem.  NLP was designed to speed the process up and go to the fix.

The fix is a belief system lets look at the problem from a common sense point of view. First we must fully understand what a belief system is; a belief system is a set of mutually supportive beliefs. The beliefs of any such system can be classified as religious, philosophical, ideological, or a combination of these. The only way we can make a belief system real or true is we must attach a VERY SOPHISTICATED SET OF RULES AND GUIDELINES TO MAKE IT TRUE. We call this the Justified true belief is a definition o