nmhospitalworkersunion.com - District 1199NM

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Dear Fellow Union Members,

We hope this email finds you well, but today, we bring grave news that demands our immediate attention and united action. As many of you already know, we are currently engaged in crucial negotiations with UNMH the state's major public hospital to which we dedicate our skills, expertise, and passion to serving.

However, the latest proposal from the hospital administration is nothing short of an insult—a resounding slap in the face to our tireless efforts and commitment to providing exceptional care to our patients. They have offered a 0% increase in wages , even as inflation soars to record levels! This proposal, sisters, and brothers, amounts to a severe pay cut that undermines our financial stability and threatens our ability to support our families and maintain a decent standard of living.

Links to nmhospitalworkersunion.com (8)