- NOCI | Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative

Description: In our ageing society, it is more important than ever to develop treatments of devastating chronic diseases. Yet, what appears promising in the lab, often falls short in the clinical practice. We aim to develop a new platform to better predict the effect of medicines, based on a combination of human stem cells and microchips. In this way, we learn much more about the development of diseases and accelerate the discovery of new medicines.

disease models (3) animal alternatives (3) organ-on-chip (2) human stem cells (1) drug target discovery (1)

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Get to know NOCI PhD student Muriel Holzreuter from University of Twente. And learn about measuring TEER in 3D Vessels-on-Chip.

Researchers from University Medical Centers in Leiden, Utrecht and Rotterdam in the Netherlands jointly affiliated within hDMT, intend to develop new organ and disease models using human stem cells

Get to know the Immunogenetics group of the Department of Genetics at the UMCG. The group focuses on the development of organoid and Organ-on-Chip models of the human gut and liver.