Description: Node-RED, home automation, IoT, and more.
This is the Ray.
If you buy a modern washing machine, chances are it has Wi-Fi connectivity and notifications for cycle completion to notify you when your laundry is done. There have been many times that I have forgotten to rotate the laundry, where the clothes start to smell like mildew. I do not have a modern washing machine. After having this happen to me several times last year, I decided to make my own solution.
While I love using Node-RED and could have easily taken Xose’s JavaScript function and set it up in a Node-RED flow, I have had enough experience with Arduino programming (C++) that I was able to program the ATOM Socket to detect the cycles and send an MQTT message to Domoticz (when then notifies me via the Pushover app) 10 minutes after no significant power usage is detected (to allow for long fill times on the largest load size). I used a switch case statement to detect and step through the cycles, althou