- Dougs Hub of Awesome Sauce – Gleaming the Cube and Dancing Disco

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Gleaming the Cube and Dancing Disco

Close Home About Blog Contact Welcome This is the hub for projects created, written, produced, and hosted by Ohio’s own Douglas Berger. He is an independent progressive atheistic Humanist who is usually sleeping, watching TV, surfing the web, gleaming the cube, and working – the usual. All of his creative output can be a narcissistic attempt to create a cult following to hide his lack of talent and intelligence about a wide range of topics. You be the judge.

There is a well organized and well funded effort to gut the Bill of Rights in this country and in the age of Trump, secular people seem to taking it on the chin more often. The Secular Left podcast will support social justice issues, talk about politics, news, and current events from a secular left perspective, naturally.