Description: For over 17 years, Dr. Anjana is providing high quality dentistry at affordable prices ranging from regular check-ups to root canals, fillings, veneers, extractions and dentures. Read more about the treatment plans and detailed cost structure or talk to us on 9650 98 3999
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The clinic is managed by Dr Anjana Bhargava, an accomplished clinician who has been running her practice since 2007 and has an extensive experience in treating complex root canal cases including retreatments. With an inherent zeal to provide the best possible treatment, she has developed a patient centric practice backed with cutting-edge dental technology, equipment and handpicked dental materials directly sourced from around the globe.
She is a Certified Endodontist (Root Canal Specialist) and exclusively treats root canals under a microscope that assists her in visualizing even the tiniest of the tooth details. With this precision dentistry approach, she is able to preserve most of the tooth structure thus retaining the natural strength of the tooth and making the whole procedure more predictable and efficient with extremely high success rates.
Her passion for quality dentistry is also evident in other dental procedures like Dental Fillings and Veneers which is more of an artwork for her and she strives to make the treated tooth appear as natural as possible after a veneer or a filling.