- No Meat May | 31 Days. No Meat. 4 BIG Reasons

Description: Switch to a plant powered diet for 31 days to improve your health, help the planet, save animals from suffering, and do your bit for world hunger. You'll get free recipes, meal plans, nutrition tips, cooking demos – and join a growing global community of bloody good sorts. Are you up for it? 🏋️‍♀️

vegan (4317) vegetarian (1320) plant-based (576) dairy-free (201) animal cruelty (44) meat-free (21) meatless (21) no meat may (2) meat-free challenge (2) meatless may (2)

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Switch to plant-powered eating for 31 days to improve your health, help the planet, save animals from suffering, and you'll do your bit for world hunger. Are you up for it? 

When you officially register, not only will you become a No Meat May legend, but you'll receive support emails, nutrition tips, a free cookbook & lots of cracking recipes.

Our cookbook, delicious daily recipes & meal plans make eating meat-free easy! Plus, our social feeds are bursting with colourful, plant-based foods - don't forget to follow!

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