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Nothing,and I mean nothing, is more frustrating than opening up a bag of beef jerky and getting that whiff of.. spoiled jerky.​Don’t let that happen to you. I’ve been there. You don’t want bad jerky.Does beef jerky go bad? You bet it does.​ In this guide I answer the age old question, “Does beef jerky […]

What Is Ground Jerky?While traditional jerky is cut into strips and soaked in a marinade, ground jerky involves mixing the seasonings right into the ground meat before pressing into strips or sticks to dry. The meat can be pressed by hand, but most people prefer to use a jerky cannon to make uniform strips and […]

I can remember the first time my Papaw showed me how to use a beef jerky dehydrator. At first I was overwhelmed until he broke it down into steps for me. These are those six simple steps to using a dehydrator for beef jerky.1. Choosing The Right Cut The quality and taste of your jerky […]