Description: Read about the FOREX market, it's history, markets and why it's the best day trading market for you to trade from home.
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The Forex Market Forex Home Business FOREX History Currency Pairs Currency Pips Spot FOREX Market Forex Profit & Loss Calculation Margin Account Forex Rollover FOREX Accounts FOREX Statements Statement Example Big Forex Traders Trading Strategy Forex Brokers Forex Pros and Cons Fibonacci Analysis Simulated Forex Trading Forex Scalping Strategy Forex Trading Robots Site Map Learn FOREX Day Trading Learn Forex Day Trading - Best Forex Trading Software The FOREX Market is one of the best kept secrets
You may also be surprised to learn that this well kept secret IS the biggest financial market in the world, in fact over 1.5 trillion dollars worth of trades take place on the FOREX Spot Market , every day!. This is more than all of the other equity markets in the world combined.
Another major advantage of Forex trading is that it works round the clock with all their banking and customer care services.