- Nordic ALMA Node

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The mission of the Nordic ARC node is to provide full user support for ALMA users in the Nordic and Baltic countries, from proposal development and submission, to data reduction and analysis. The ultimate goals are to help and encourage the community to make the best use of ALMA. ARC node services include eg face-to-face support for proposal preparation, observing setups, projects status follow-up, data reduction (CASA software), and access to archives. The host university of the Nordic ARC node, Chalmers U

The Atacama Large Millimeter / submilliter Array ( ALMA ) is a revolutionary instrument located at 5000 meters above sea level in the Atacama desert, Chile. It consists of 66 antennas operated as an interferometer array, and is used to explore the millimeter and submillimeter window with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution.

ALMA is an international collaboration between East Asia, Europe and North America. Astronomers of the different participating countries interact with ALMA via ALMA Regional Centers (ARC). The core of the European Regional Center is located in Garching, Germany with a number of ARC nodes (see the Links page) spread across the continent.