- Norman Koren photography: images and tutorials

Description: Fine art photographs and tutorials on photographic technique, image quality and digital printing by Norman Koren

photography (50591) tutorial (1687) fine art photography (1477) 35mm (314) digital darkroom (285) koren (59) zone system (12) picture window (8) norman koren (2) canon fd (2)

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Since July 2003 I have been working more than full time on Imatest , so much of this website is out-of-date. Imatest is used by a great many companies to develop and test digital cameras, and is now working 24/7 in production lines throughout the world.

September 2004.  Imatest , my program for measuring sharpness and image quality in digital cameras and digitized film images, has been released.  You can now download a trial version and purchase the full version for a very reasonable price. It has kept me very busy for the last few months. I've used it to compare the resolution of the Canon EOS-10D and 20D . It is being used in reviews by and , a new digital camera review site from the creators of

April 2004.  I posted a few images from my trip to Monument Valley/Hunt's Mesa (a workshop with Steve Kossack ) and Canyonlands. Part 2 also has some beautiful images.

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