- The Master Woodbutcher's Salute to Norm Page

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The Master Woodbutcher  has no affiliation with  Morash Productions or WGBH Everything You've Wanted to Know About The New Yankee Workshop Quick Access Buttons Site Map (for quick navigation around the site)

Russ Morash, creator and producer of The New Yankee Workshop announced on 16 October 2009 that no new production of the show would occur. All parties are celebrating the success of the series in its twenty year run of original programming, as well they should. It is this site’s opinion that a significant percentage of woodworking tools, outlets, fora, and new woodworkers can be laid squarely at the door of Norm Abram, Russell Morash, and The New Yankee Workshop .

Once upon a time near the end of the last century I was involved in a thread on one of the internet woodworking forums regarding some tools that may or may not have appeared on The New Yankee Workshop , the Norm Abram woodworking show that appears on PBS. Good grief, if you're here, I shouldn't have to explain that. As the discussion progressed it became apparent that I had forgotten some, erroneously identified some, was plain wrong about some, but nobody else was doing much better. If you've had similar e

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