Description: North Sound Accountable Community of Health
Moss-Log-Photo Whatcom-Falls-Bridge-Photo Wildflower-Photo Health happens in communities, in the spaces where we come together, live, and work; where children go to school and play; and where we seek care and services. North Sound Accountable Community of Health (North Sound ACH) is an independent nonprofit organization committed to building vibrant and healthy communities, places where all can live full lives. We convene diverse individuals and organizations to foster meaningful community-led collaboration
North Sound ACH Land Acknowledgement: We begin by acknowledging, with humility, that the land where we are today, is the territory of the People of the Salish Sea. Their presence is imbued in the waterways, shorelines, valleys and mountains of the traditional homelands of the Coast Salish People – Since Time Immemorial…
NORTH SOUND ACH Address: PO Box 4256, Bellingham, WA 98227 Phone: (360) 543-8858 E-mail: [email protected]