- Patrick C Notchtree

Description: Patrick C Notchtree's website, with links to his books and other miscellaneous rambling and postings.

sex (12794) gay (4092) autism (2350) biography (1100) orgasm (212) homosexuality (69) corporal punishment (62) teenage sex (14) early sexualisation (2) early sexualization (2)

Example domain paragraphs

I have published five books so maybe that makes me an author. I am a member of the so-called 'golden generation' that was born just after the second world war, 1946 in my case, who have lived through a time of increasing prosperity and social and health care. There was always the imminent threat of nuclear war, but I'm not complaining.

I suppose I knew from an early age I was gay but without defining it as such. It was highly illegal then as well as being seen as socially unacceptable. But trying to repress one's true sexuality is not a good idea and, sadly, I failed disastrously at one point. Things have thankfully changed since then, but I will refrain from putting too much biographical detail here, as that would be a spoiler for my memoir, but I now live in the north of England with family nearby.

I am autistic (so-called "high functioning") and now I am slowly losing my sight to macular degeneration.

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