- News Of The Revolution In Syria

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  ' Three Syrian American activists took advantage of their audience with Biden at a private fundraiser on June 27 in Maryland to implore him to do more to oppose Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and protect innocent Syrian civilians. Encouragingly, these activists said, Biden not only seemed to care deeply about the plight of Syrians but also seemed to want to do more about it. Yet they also noted that the president’s statements on Syria don’t match his own administration’s current policies. They are right

 Syrian activists also want the administration to publicly support a bipartisan bill called the Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act that would stiffen penalties on any entity that aids the Assad régime, until or unless the Syrian government ceases its atrocities. Lastly, they want Biden to give Syrians living outside Assad’s rule more humanitarian aid and economic support.  Ghbeis is active in a nonprofit organization called Citizens for a Secure and Safe America , which advocates on behalf of the Syrian op

   'This book has been written in an attempt to turn a collective gaze towards a crisis we have all too readily turned our back upon.' [Introduction, page i]  'There were even "like" pages for certain units fighting in the FSA. They were just people, the same age as me, some younger, why shouldn't they have Facebook and actively use it? Rather than hearing of a neighbour's breakfast choices, you would instead read about recent movements of troops in the area, or the number of martyrs that had passed that da

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