Description: A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. ~ Irish Proverb
Well, it is with a fair amount of fear and trepidation that I’d like to make an announcement. Before your mind starts to wander too far, I am not pregnant. That would cause mind-boggling fear and trepidation, and would, in fact, be a miracle. This is “Not That Big a Deal” which is also the name of my new blog. Yes, friends I have “bitten the bullet, jumped in with both feet, leaped into the breach” and it scares the crumbs out of me. But, I enjoy making people smile and laugh and forget, even if just for a
Have you ever thought about all of the places bugs can be in your home? We live in Florida. Florida has bugs. Lots of bugs. Big honkin’ bugs. Fortunately, I am not afraid of bugs. In fact, I have made my peace with most of them. The “palmetto bug,” which is a euphemism for giant-flying roach, occasionally comes in through our doggy door. They are easily captured and squished, so that’s fine. The “ghost” ants, are given that name because you can barely see them. I have heard them called “no-see-ums,” which i
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