- Nottinghamshire Mining Museum - a history of Nottinghamshire Mining | Nottinghamshire Mining Museum History and Information

Description: Nottinghamshire Mining Museum - preserving the history and heritage of Mottinghamshire miners and mining communities throughout the 19th and 20th Century.

mining (1925) miners (72) collieries (3) nottinghamshire pits (1) nottinghamshire mines (1) nottinghamshire collieries (1) notts miners (1)

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We are the Nottinghamshire Mining Museum. A people’s museum remembering and celebrating the working, social, leisure and family lives of Nottinghamshire coalminers. The experiences and the struggles of the people of the Nottinghamshire coalfield in building, defending and preserving their way of life are central to what we do. 

We mined the coal beneath Nottinghamshire that powered our industries and kept our people warm. Sometimes we had to stand up and resist those who tried to close our mines down and destroy our communities.

Our museum is a record of the stories of these struggles together with a celebration of the unique culture of our Nottinghamshire coal mining community.

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