- Nour Foundation – Exploring Meaning and Commonality in Human Experience

Description: The Nour Foundation explores meaning and commonality in human experience by adopting a multidisciplinary and integrative approach aimed at engendering greater unity, tolerance, and understanding among human beings worldwide.

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Example domain paragraphs

The “mind” has become a blanket concept whose meanings range from mere phenomenal consciousness to higher-level cognition found only in humans. The authoritative Oxford Companion for the Mind, for instance, provides no definition of the word in its general introduction. The omission may lie in the fact that there are simply too many facets to the human mind, or too many aspects of our experience in which it is involved. Even the proper locus of the mind is a matter of debate, although evidence of neural cor

Marking the ten-year anniversary of the highly successful partnership between the New York Academy of Sciences, the Nour Foundation, and Wisconsin Public Radio’s To the Best of Our Knowledge, this timely and thought-provoking three-part series led by Steve Paulson once again brings together leading scientists and thinkers from an array of disciplines to help ponder and unravel the complexities of the human mind, from its origins and functions to its cultivation and development, with a view toward ultimately

Unraveling the Mind: The Mystery of Consciousness Thursday, November 17, 2022 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Sold Out