nsbhs1973.com - North Sydney Boys High School Class Of 1973, Sydney, Australia

Description: This is the official web site for the North Sydney Boys High School Class Of 1973

australia (7858) sydney (3087) class of 1973 (48) north sydney boys high school (1) keith longworth (1)

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Tickets for the 50th Re-union and next day After Party STILL ON SALE

There has been a great support for the Re-union and After Party and we have passed the threshold of the money needed to lay down the deposit for the venues. Many thanks to all who have committed payments more than one year out.  We expect the final number of attendees to be somewhere between 80-100 persons.  The cutoff date to receive money from any classmates who were not sure about attending has now extended to next year.  Classmates who were intending to only come the the 50th re-union can also change th

The 50 th re-union at the Manly 16’ skiff club on Saturday 28 October 2023 at 6:30pm.  There is a 3 course meal package for $89 per person plus we are adding another $10 to cover the costs of the website for the next 10 years.