- Capabilities - Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Description: We provide waste management, waste treatment, environmental restoration, radiological protection, and safety and industrial hygiene.

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Our waste treatment facilities develop treatment protocols for problematic waste streams, as well as provide the management and treatment of industrial, radioactive and mixed waste for government, commercial, medical and institutional organizations across North America, Canada, and the European Union.

We provide total waste management services for commercial and government agencies throughout the entire waste life-cycle. We have been managing and treating waste for disposal since 1991, and with our network of three fully licensed and permitted radioactive and hazardous waste processing facilities, we are well versed in all phases of waste management. We plan treatment campaigns based on the designated disposal cell waste acceptance criteria and land disposal requirements, and based on our vast experience

We have a long standing reputation for developing unique treatment capabilities for the most difficult and complex waste streams. Years of treatment experience coupled with sound engineering practices, intimate knowledge of RCRA & TSCA regulations and on-site fabrication expertise has allowed us great success in treating a myriad of previously orphaned waste streams.