- nullrefer | link to other sites anonymously

Description: anonymize your links with nullrefer

domain (157439) forum (7496) url (3153) board (2124) link (1704) script (1461) anonymous (589) redirect (142) hompage (134) external (121)

Example domain paragraphs

In order to produce a single anonymous link, enter the URL you want to link to and then click on "Generate URL".

If you want to anonymize all the external links on your board or homepage, we can generate a script for you to deal with this automatically for all your pages. Enter the Sites for which links shall not be redirected to and click on "Generate script".

Webmasters can use this tool to prevent their site from appearing in the server logs of referred pages as referrer. The operators of the referred pages cannot see where their visitors come from any more. Using the referrer removal service is quite easy: produces an anonymous link to which prevents the original site from appearing as a referrer in the logfiles of the referred page.