- Nuren Group | Empower Women in Parenting, Education & Maternity Wellness

Description: Nuren Group is a digital media company & service provider in parenting education, maternity wellness and women livelihood.

nuren group (3) parenting website malaysia (3) motherhood malaysia (3) mom and baby products (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Apr 7, 2023 - Nuren Group, the largest women community and e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Malaysia's leading parenting platform, have signed a MoU with four key confinement facility brands to form The Collective, Malaysia's first Multi Brand Confinement Group. Representatives from FL Sanctuary, Nuren Group, JTL Confinement Centre, Full Love Confinement Centre, 28 Good Days Care Center, and Honey Moon Postnatal Care Center gathered on this day to also welcome leading industry players from all over

Nov 18, 2022 - Ecommerce industry has become a fertile ground for businesswomen to thrive in the digital market. Whether it is retail or beauty, food or financial services, female entrepreneurs are taking centre stage with their innovative creations and ideas. One such individual would be the CEO and co-founder of Nuren Group, Petrina Goh, who took inspiration from a challenging pregnancy and motherhood experience to establish the e-marketplace in her mission to curate a one-stop platform

Oct 4, 2022 - 作为一家见证女性几大重要阶段的 Nuren Group,她们旗下的 Motherhood 主要关注新手爸妈的孕程及育儿。你想象过吗?除了在后疫情时代仍然冒着感染冠病的风险逛商场;如今借助科技之便,母婴产品也能上架电商平台,让作为新手爸妈的你也能在一站式线上商铺找到所有类别的母婴品项。本期节目,Nuren Group 执行长,Petrina 吴诗茵将告诉我们,在妈咪宝贝的消费逻辑中,什么环节最为重要

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