nvcoc.net - North Valley church of Christ – Speaking the Truth in Love Ephesians 4:15

Description: North Valley Church of Christ in Cave Creek Arizona

arizona (4840) church of christ (503)

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Welcome to the North Valley church of Christ here in Cave Creek, Arizona! If you live nearby or you are traveling in our area, please be sure to visit us for worship and Bible study anytime.  We love to have guests!  Our members are very friendly and inviting, yet we will not make you uncomfortable when you attend. 

You'll find a variety of people who together are trying to live and love according to God's true Word.  There are classes for all age groups, and we worship twice on Sundays.  Our schedule is listed below.

Our goal is to help people know and obey Christ, so that they along with us, may grow into the "stature of the fullness of Christ."