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“What strikes the listener upon first encounter with Dream Dance is that it is at once challenging and accessible. . . An ambitious and well-crafted work, which provokes as much as it soothes. Sonically what has been created here sounds unique, an admirable accomplishment in and of itself. . . It asks much of the listener and warrants repeated visits. Dream Dance deserves to be heard”.  Rawckus Magazine – Chris Wheatley

Professional opera singer Valentina O is the eclectic and multifaceted songwriter, vocalist, arranger, and producer behind Nymphya. After a personal tragedy in 2006 when her fiancé, record producer Keith Keller, suddenly died, Valentina struggled to bring herself back to life from her crippling grief through music and spiritual practice. Using what Keith taught her, Valentina built her own recording studio in 2011 and began producing and recording DREAM DANCE as a tribute to him.

“On my 4th back to back runthrough of this album, I am really enjoying it. There is a lot of sorrow being released in “Beautiful Wound”; the multi-layered vocals are marvelous. The packaging is stellar;  I love the lyric book, and the artwork.  Nymphya has delivered in spades with this album. I will encourage my listeners to hear this through headphones. . . We have ourselves a celestial new age goddess.”  Deep Nuggets Radio – Steven Davies Morris