oakmeadowswimclub.com - Oak Meadow Swim Club - Home

san antonio (1906) oak meadow (2) swim club and tennis club (1)

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The Oak Meadow swim club is a member-owned, non-profit club offering swimming, tennis, recreational and social activities for the benefit of our residents of the Oak Meadow subdivision and our non-resident members. The pool is 25 meters with a 9 foot diving well. There is a separate baby pool for children under 6 years old. There are two full size tennis courts for year round tennis. The swimming pool is open during the summer.

We have membership levels in all shapes and sizes - a Single Membership level, a Grandparent Membership level, a Family level, an Adults Only level for 2 adults, and Tennis Only if you want to use just the tennis facilities....

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Links to oakmeadowswimclub.com (1)