Experiencing the Star Wars Saga, motion pictures, retrogaming and stuff throughout the ages. Home to Obi-Wandi's Blog Spirits.
I recommend Lightyear – and tell of a time-travelling experience Pixar‘s latest afforded me. My viewing turned into the discovery of parallels to Disney‘s 1979 commercial failure, sci-fi epic The Black Hole, the very first film I ever saw in theaters. Note: May contain spoilers for both motion pictures. Please refer to the Wikipedia pages on The Black Hole and Lightyear for full plot summaries.
The #RiseOfSkywalker began in earnest in 1987, the year of the 10th anniversary #StarWars celebration. Long before #Rey, #Ben aka #KyloRen, #Finn, #PoeDameron and the #KnightsOfRen, #computergame developer and publisher #Domark could not believe its luck when #Atari strangely did not value their Star Wars arcade game license highly.