- obiwong - Professional Computer Nerd

Example domain paragraphs

Well, we've made it to version 4 of the website now. Finally decided to stop making things from scratch for my side projects 🤣. Laravel for the backend and a Bootstrap template for the frontend. Some data pulled from the TFT stats from the Riot API, MTG decks from the Moxfield API and tweets from the Twitter API.

My other notable project is . A site for now defunct Transformer TCG from Wizards of the Coast. Another Laravel project which started as a searchable database for all the cards in the game, grew to a deck builder and eventually I started creating content for the community as well. Tried to generate some revenue from ads and affiliate links to buy cards from online retailers, worked with writers and artists to create strategy articles for the game. Tech stack used Redis for cache, Algolia

Maracas Bay, Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹