occhioblu.it - Consorzio turistico Occhioblu promuove il turismo internazionale di Levanto e delle Cinque Terre

Description: Il Consorzio turistico Occhioblu promuove la destinazione Levanto vicina alle Cinque Terre per farne una delle mete turistiche più attraenti della Liguria e

liguria (395) cinque terre (130) levanto (24) promozione turistica (16) consorzio occhioblu (1) vacanze a levanto (1) visit levanto (1) uffico informazioni turistiche levanto (1)

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The “Occhioblu Levantoinforma” association was created in 1999 through the union of local tour operators  who have decided to work together to promote and grow the tourism destination Levanto. From the beginning the town of Levanto approved the project and joined in as a partner, initiating one of the very first examples of successful cooperation between public and private entities.

The President of Occhioblu Association is Damiano Cassola, and the vice president is Claudio Podestà.

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