octomass.com - Octomass - Mere Intelligence

Description: How to make better decision and maintain compliance

ai (10510) compliance (2612) ml (570) decision making (221) ahp (54) vendor selection (14) mcdm (4) topsis (2) octomass (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Of the numerous decision making methods, TOPSIS is a practical and useful technic for ranking number of possible alternatives by measuring how they are close to ideal best or worst.

Add and modify features and their importance for ranking quickly. Enter or import training data matrix to compare alternatives with lightning fast results. You can reuse the alternatives and their metrics from other scenarios. You can download and save dashboard on different revisions. You can evaluate up to 15 alternatives with 20 different features in standard version. If you need to scale up your evaluations, please contact us.

You can generate dashboards on different domains simultaneously. For example, while your procurement team works on a RFP evaluation your human resources team can work on hiring decisions at the same time. The more you utilize Octomass, it will help you set your standards for metrics on alternatives across different scenarios in the same domain.