Description: To celebrate this milestone and commemorate the legacy of the passengers and crew who undertook the journey, a series of public events is planned...
Across the summer, avid octopus hunters downloaded the free Octopus Ahoy! app and ventured out, come rain or shine, to find our octopus sculptures – and earned fantastic prizes for scanning each one, from cuddly octopus keyrings through to free afternoon teas, and much more!
We loved 2021’s stay-cation summer of joy, seeking out amazing art by local artists whilst learning more about the local area – and unlocking lots of free rewards for just joining in the fun.
For 10 weeks in the summer of 2021, the Octopus Ahoy! art sculptures formed a public art trail across Harwich, Tendring and the wider Essex area to celebrate the Mayflower 400™️ project and 150 Years of Clacton.