ocuf.org - Ontario Credit Union Foundation | Serving Ontario’s credit unions

Description: OCUF supports Ontario credit unions with their philanthropic giving, administering donor funds and providing youth bursaries for post-secondary students.

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This year we provided bursaries to 80 outstanding young adults who are pursuing post-secondary education.

Recipients are selected based on two main main criteria, financial need and how they give back to their communities. Students are assessed by a review panel across who rate the applicants on their community involvement, personal circumstances, letters of reference, and quality of their compelling essay or video submission. Students are ranked numerically with the top of the list individuals receiving a bursary of $3,000, the other candidates received amounts of $2,500, $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 totalling $1

Bursary recipients represented 21 credit unions in Ontario.

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