odrways.com - Sama

Description: Sama helps you resolve your disputes quickly, fairly, and cost effectively. Sama has resolved over 35 Lakh disputes in India, ranging from E-commerce disputes to Credit Card default. Suljhao, Magar Pyaar Se!

domain (151461) cases (600) dispute (188) find a lawyer (94) file a case (2) mediators in india (2) mediators in delhi (2) mediators in kolkata (2) mediators in bangalore (2) mediators in mumbai (2)

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In case you received a notice from Sama regarding outstanding dues on your credit card or personal loan, please click here and register your response. A Sama Case Manager will get in touch with you soon. Sama will help you reach an agreement with the bank to settle this matter. By taking Sama's help, you can avoid court litigation, save a lot of time and a lot of money. Sama does not represent ICICI Bank, and is a neutral third party institution, officially recognized by the Ministry of Law & Justice, Gover

Tell us about your dispute. We'll then invite the other party to join and assign a qualified and friendly conciliator.

Have a discussion on offers that suit both your needs. The conciliator will even suggest creative solutions to help make decisions.