odysseyeducationaltrust.co.uk - Homepage | Odyssey Educational Trust

Description: Odyssey Educational Trust is a unique and friendly organisation with a clear mission, to provide an excellent standard of primary school education for all our

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Odyssey Educational Trust is a unique and friendly organisation with a clear mission, to provide an excellent standard of primary school education for all our children. We are committed to making a positive difference to the community we serve in Leicester City and helping to shape the lives of the children and their families   who are part of our community. The Trust serves a diverse community in Leicester City, bound together by a common set of values, respect, excellence, resilience, positivity, and crea

Odyssey Educational Trust is a values based organisation driven by the desire to make a positive difference to our communities. We uphold the values of Excellence, Respect, Positivity, Resilience and Creativity in all that we do.

Humberstone Junior Academy is a vibrant and creative community of learners whose strong ethic of excellence is the foundation for all that we do. Humberstone Junior Academy is a place where great achievements and magical experiences happen daily.

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