Description: Chad Jenkins, Roboticist and Computer Scientist
robotics (2198) computer science (1345) human-robot interaction (23) interactive robotics (4)
Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Ph.D. Professor of Robotics Professor of EECS (courtesy) University of Michigan 2505 Hayward St., Robotics 2236 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2106 USA ocj a@t umich d@o@t edu (734) 764-4847 (voicemail)
I am a Professor of Robotics at the University of Michigan . By courtesy, I am also a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science . I am the leader of the Laboratory for Progress (Perceptive RObotics and Grounded REasoning SystemS).
My work and collaborations aim to discover methods for computational reasoning and perception that will enable robots to effectively assist people in common human environments. Essentially, we explore how to make the real world programmable by regular people through the control of autonomous robots. Critical challenges towards this goal are enabling robots to perceive our world, understand the form and function of objects, reason under uncertainty, and learn from human users. This research pertains primaril