oilandexports.org - API | Trade – Energy and Opportunity

Description: API supports free trade and the abolition of trade and investment restrictions on oil and natural gas goods and services and the liberalization of all trade in oil and natural gas. We support principles that achieve the objective of increasing trade in oil and natural gas, as well as principles that help to underpin investments in finding, developing, producing and transporting hydrocarbon resources.

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Home News, Policy & Issues Trade Trade – Energy and Opportunity Related : 2018 Trade-related  News Releases Letters or Comments  |  Testimony & Speeches |  Blog Posts  |  LNG Exports

Passing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will allow the American natural gas and oil industry to continue providing the affordable, reliable and cleaner energy that powers North America’s economic prosperity.

Global trade and investment regimes are of critical importance. Free trade provides opportunities for business growth and expansion; increases the range of oil, natural gas, and other petroleum products available to consumers; enhances market‐based production globally; and contributes to global energy cooperation. API believes these ends can only be achieved by eliminating impediments imposed on international oil and natural gas producers, fostering a pro‐export environment, and maintaining a level playing

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